Paper Mache Animal Head Class
Do you like to get your hands messy?
If so, then this class is for you!
In this class we are going to get messy with paper mache and create a crazy animal head.
You will have the option to use real horns or if that's not your thing, you can use sticks or no horns at all.... your choice!
I will have precut wooden backgrounds for you to paint that we will mount our heads on after they are done.
The heads will be made using aluminum foil that we use to create the basic shape of the head with the eyes and nose and mouth.... we then follow that up with paper mache on top which is just flour/water/salt and we use coffee filters for the paper.
This is a two day class as we will need time for the paper mache to dry first before we can paint and embellish our heads with faux fur!
This 2 day class is $195 and is a heck of a lot of fun!