Joy Rock Project
A friend of mine has been calling me The Joy Meister for years. I always loved it but part of me wasn't sure I truly deserved the title. What do you do when you want to really embody something? You fully step into it! So...I started a website called The Joy Meister and really wanted to live and breathe JOY for the year.
On this joy journey of mine I was inspired by something I saw online. This truly fell in line with being The Joy Meister. I wanted to add joy to other people's lives by putting out a "Take What you Need" artful rock installation out on the walking path behind my house. So I did.
The results of this were amazing. Not only did the rocks disappear (rather quickly), but the joy it gave me knowing that people were loving these little gifts filled my heart. I had friends come and help paint extra rocks and those, too, disappeared. Other friends upon learning about my little project were also inspired and started their own joy rock projects and placed them in other locations. People I didn't know were posting on social media about coming up to this little joy rock place and shared which rock they chose and how it made them feel. The joy.... it was spreading!
Since then I have just painted groups of rocks with a dear friend and we left them here and there at random places on a roadtrip. We have also come upon joy rocks that we haven't painted! How special is that? We didn't take them, we wanted other people to experience the joy too.
I hope this inspires you to find a way to bring joy to others in some small way.