My Trillium Trailer Project
Once upon a time an artsy girl put it out to the Universe (and her parents) that she was thinking it might be fun to paint up an old Boler trailer. Watch out for what you wish for... you will get it!
My parents love garage sales and happened upon a sale at a house where they spotted a trailer in the neighbors garage. It had no sign on it but dad offered to drive me back there so I could ask the owner about it. We went and the owner said sure he'd sell it....600 bucks! It is a 1975 Trillium 1300. Dad & I looked at it and it was *rough*. Dad thought I was nuts for even considering it but I had a vision. This ugly duckling had swan potential! I brought Nico out to it the next day and we decided to go for it! I mean how hard could it be getting this disaster back up to a useable state? Eeeee..... a year later and it's still not campable yet but it looks a heck of a lot better than it did!
We gutted it, we patched up holes with fibreglass. We sanded and sanded and sanded some more. We cut out the floor because the wood between the two fibreglass layers was completely rotten. Thankfully we did this work at my parents place (they have 5 acres and dad has a backhoe) so we were able to lift it right off the frame (which also needed work) and flip it over on its side to cut the floor out.
It has been a whole ton of effort but it's also been an amazing transformation. It's still not done, we are working on the electrical now and still need to insulate and build drawers and cut out new cabinet doors etc but by Summer 2017 this baby will be on the road. I'm thinking of hosting art classes in it by the beach! (oh and some camping too ;)
CLICK HERE to view the book I put together on this project using MixBook.