Pure Process Painting - Part 2!
In my previous Pure Process post I mentioned that I wanted to share three more of my archetypes with you.
Part of the deal I had with Lisa was that during the 11 weeks the course ran, I wasn’t to show anyone my paintings (well aside from my ever-loving, who was bound to see these lovely ladies left to dry on the garage floor! – I admit, sometimes it looked a bit like a crime scene! hehe).
This whole ‘not sharing’ thing was really foreign to me as I absolutely LOVE to share what I’m working on. To have this timeframe and these parameters put on, it was very interesting for me. A good interesting though! It felt more sacred and special. It was an exercise in self care as well. Carving out these Wednesday evenings for me to get in touch with whatever wanted to come forward. And often it was quite a pleasant surprise as to what did!

I’d like to introduce you to my Fashionista.
This sweet lady was so happy to make her appearance. I feel like I got back in touch with my younger self who was so free and expressive with her clothing choices. When I first started doing art shows I think I channeled that young Naomi back into being as I would put on the stripey socks and bright colored outfits which really fit the whimsical artist part I was playing. But slowly, over time, the stripey socks and the bright colors dimmed. I started becoming self conscious and began to lose sight of who I was. Then, there was a stirring and out came myFashionista! She is standing confidently and rockin’ her stripes and cute little heart dress and she is reminding me that it’s OK to express myself. Thank you my darling Fashionista for this loving reminder.

Here is my sweet little Intellectual archetype. Isn’t she a doll?
And how about her sweet little Book Worm friend with the glasses? My Intellect is super shy about her knowledge I discovered. She is very much an introvert that likes to hide behind books – and if you have ever seen my night stand you would understand! I’ve never been one to think of myself as a smarty pants even though I do know deep down I’m no dummy. I love to learn, and love to read. I rarely read anything considered ‘fluffy’, I always like to read books on health, well being, art and business etc. If someone calls me a Nerd I totally consider that as a compliment! I love this little Intellect girl. I feel like she needs to be *in* a book or something – not just reading them!

And lastly, my Visionary.
When I typed out Visionary it actually came out Visionarty. How perfect a typo is that?! I definitely related well to my Visionary. I love seeing in my minds eye the potential of things from art to home design to future awesomeness! The thing that my Visionary sometimes lacks is the confidence to follow a vision through to completion. She can easily get side tracked or be influenced by external factors. She needs to keep her eyes on the prize and perfect the art of follow-thru! She does in most cases but sometimes there are things she lets slip through the cracks. One of those things I’m struggling with letting slip is my Bobby Bubblegum book illustration project. This has been on my list to work on for about 2 years now and I really want to see this vision become a reality. One thing my sweet little Visionary self needs is to set herself some set days for working on these kinds of projects. The girl needs some deadlines and the drive to get’er done! I do love my Visionary. Without her, I probably wouldn’t be producing art.
Well there you have it. Another little look into my archetypes. I still remain super grateful for the class and the experience of stepping into these parts of myself. There is nothing more exciting (but also scary and intimidating!) as self discovery.