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100 Messages to Myself

Hello Lovelies!

It's been awhile since I've done a blog post. I feel like there is SO MUCH to update you on but I'm just going to stick to ONE of those things for right now.

Inspired by another artist I saw doing this, I decided to take on this challenge for myself. 100 messages to myself, every day for the next 100 days. I wanted to get back into the swing of a daily practice and this was just the ticket to do that.

100 Messages to Myself

At the end of every day for the past 67 days now, I have been sitting with ProCreate on my iPad open, thinking about what happened that day and what message was important for me to take away from my day. I'm not gonna lie, some evenings it has been a STRUGGLE and I almost didn't do a drawing for that day. It wasn't that I wanted to quit altogether, I just wanted to NOT do a drawing that day - and maybe the next. But you see what happens with that? one day leads into the next and that's what I didn't want to happen. So I've stuck with it! I'm super proud of myself for that, even though it's meant that some evenings I didn't get to bed until 1:30am!!

So if you haven't been following along yet, please check out my Instagram @superartgirlstudio. I also share these on my Super Art Girl FaceBook page as well.

I will be doing another challenge after this which is going to be 100 Messages of Health & Wellness, but this one is going to be a lot LESS regimented and will not be a posting every single day - because after all it will be all about self care and that means, no staying up to 1am! :)

Daily drawings for 100 messages to myself

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